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Ph.D. students, Research Assistant (RA), and Postdoc or senior RA openings

Group: Dr. Yanni Sun, Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong

When the human genome was sequenced more than a decade ago, people thought that we obtained the language of life. However, it turns out that this is not a language we understand! Our research goal is to apply computational models/methods to decypher the language of life. The methods/tools we use include: advanced data structures, general algorithm design, machine learning methods, applied deep learning, data mining techniques, graph theories etc. You will be trained to handle BIG genomic data and solve high-impact research problems. The training will provide you with ample career opportunities.

Research area and projects:

We have on-going research projects on RNA viruses, phages, bacterial strain analysis in metagenomic data, plant genomics, etc. You can refer to the following publications for further details.

The methods/tools we use include: general algorithm design, machine learning methods, applied deep learning, data mining techniques, graph theories etc. You will be trained to handle BIG genomic data and solve high-impact research problems.

My expectations: